game design

Do Your New Year Resolutions Keep Failing?

Do Your New Year Resolutions Keep Failing?

How to use Game Design to Solve your Failed New Year Resolution

Every year on New Year's Eve, millions of people make a promise to themselves they will not keep. It's not because they are bad people, or cheaters, or have some other deep psychological traumas from childhood that keep them from achieving their New Year's Goals. You may be reading this and thinking to yourself, yeah, I've been there. Well let's use Game Design to solve your problem!

photo by Tim Mossholder

Monopoly was Invented to Combat Greed

Did you know that the favorite board game of many around the world, was invented by a Lizzie Magie in 1904 to combat greed. Watch the video to find out more about this revolutionary game designer. I am reminded of a quote from Gerorg Zoche and his reflection on the game. Georg said, "Every Monopoly game eventually ends in an economic crash. One person has all the money, making it worthless to everyone."